Roe Deer

Capreolus capreolus

Braemar, Scotland - March 2005

Hunting pressure and deforestation led to the Roe Deer becoming extinct throughout most of Britain in the Middle Ages and by 1700 it only survived in remnant woodlands of central and northwestern Scotland.  After the Highland clearances, the reduced human population resulted in an increase in woodland and allowed a rapid expansion in the Roe Deer's range.  They are now common and widespread throughout Scotland and northern England (except most of the Hebridean Islands, the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland).  Populations in East Anglia, and southern England are descendants of stock introduced from Europe in the 1800's.

Lothian, Scotland - December 2005

Roe Deer is the only member of the deer family known to exhibit delayed implantation. The mating season is in July and August, but implantation does not occur until late December. The young are then born 144 days later.