
Peppered Moth

Biston betularia

Attenborough, Nottinghamshire, England - June 2012

Peppered Moth is common throughout England, Wales and lowland Scotland in woodland, scrub, parks and gardens.  The commonest colour form is white with a peppering of black markings across the wings (as is shown in the individual in the photo above), but it also occurs in completely black forms and an intermediate between the two (shown below).  These darker forms are more common in urban and polluted areas where the darker colours confer a selective advantage due to their better camouflage when resting on soot-stained trees and buildings during the day.  The frequency of the dark forms has steadily decreased over the last few decades as measures to improve air quality in poluted areas have begun to have an effect.

Attenborough, Nottinghamshire, England - June 2012

Attenborough, Nottinghamshire, England - June 2012